since i have a few minutes i thought i'd post some pictures of my new apartment in bushwick.
this is from my last ride on the Q train, which annoyingly, included a long ride on a packed shuttle bus, too. track maintenance is so annoying. the view from the bridge is beautiful though. you can just barely see the statue of liberty off in the distance. it's been rainy and windy and cold the last few days. i like rainy weather but it's been miserable walking around in it.

this is my new room.

hung my skeleton key collection on the wall already...

the view from my windows/fire escape. i don't think i have access to that big garden, but it's pretty nonetheless.
as you can see it's pretty bare. i'm going to put my polaroids on the wall, and i put that school desk in the closet. i got a ten dollar floor lamp from target, too, and boy was that a hassle. remind me to never go to target on a weekend ever again. i kind of like how simple it is though. it'll be a lot harder to get it all messy. i actually have a lot of space! it's almost a shame i don't have more furniture.

the kitchen. we don't really have a living room, but that's okay, i won't be here that often and i don't watch a lot of tv.
i'm pretty content. it's loud here, the neighborhood is popping and i can hear the trains pretty easily. i'll get used to it though, and for the nights that i'm not- i brought ear plugs. :) i bought vanilla candles, which add a certain little something. and my bed's pretty comfortable for being just a mattress on the floor. it's not much, but it's enough.
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