i haven't posted in a little while, i guess i've been kind of busy. i went to visit dc this weekend. i took the mega bus, which is so cheap and has wireless internet, too. i was able to score a seat where the table is on the first floor, as well, although i'm pretty sure the women next to me were cataloging stolen jewelry on the way to dc. they called me "boo boo" when asking me to trade seats with them. haha.
it was really nice being able to see good friends and catch up. and awesome getting to visit a few of my favorite food places in dc, teasim, madeline's, and amsterdam falafel. it was strange being back in the city, though. i felt really disoriented. i hadn't been back in four months, so it felt weird to know where i was but also second guess myself, if that makes sense. it was weird seeing all my friends in school doing what i'd be doing if i was there. seems like everybody's doing cool stuff though!
i walked around dc a little bit, there's been some changes, like the georgetown library being put in on M st, stores opening and closing, construction, etc. there was a hunger strike going on in front of the white house, day 62 apparently. i don't understand how hunger strikes work. it's impossible to go that long without food, so what do they eat? how often do they eat? since they have to eat how can you call it a hunger strike? and where do they go to the bathroom? i haven't been around that area so i don't really know how it works.
their eyes looked so sad though.

in lighter news, i stayed with my friends this past weekend. my old roommate's place saturday-sunday and then another place monday night. my friend sara has been taking care of my beta fish, snack- he got so fat! he's fat and middle aged now. silly fish.

i also made friends with sara's pet rat while sara and sarah went through the horrible task of organizing their shared bedroom. randi the rat made me want a pet rat. she was very friendly and i fed her a green bean. the end.

then i was walking to catch my bus at H and 10th... and this was going on in the parking lot! i was pretty confused, and when i posted this picture on facebook my friend commented, "oh, i really want to do this." so maybe it's something you can sign up to do? i have no idea. i thought it was people practicing or there was like a fair coming up or something, but the former doesn't really make sense either. no idea!

i've returned to new york feeling refreshed and more prepared. i've set up a good list of things i need/want to get done in the next few weeks, and started working hard on that list. this includes the birdcages, a dress, and a chalkboard animation! all of which i've got a good start on. i'm excited, i feel less doubtful about my work.
also, it's nice to be sleeping in my own bed again!