last night my dad got tickets for me, him, and my friend hanna to see the daily show live! it was awesoooome. we had to wait in the cold for a good hour and a half, but it was totally worth it. if you're interested, you can watch the episode we were at here, for the time being. it was a good episode! it was also the last one before the break. they don't show the audience on the daily show, but you can hear us laugh/call out when HUGH GRANT came out as the guest...
it was really interesting- they had a lot of rules- turn your cellphones off, if you're seen using a cellphone or camera they'll take it away from you, no getting up to use the bathroom, no outbursts, no weapons, we had to go through a metal detector, etc.
when the audience was all sitting down they had a stand up comedian come out and pump up the audience, teasing individuals and such. then jon stewart came out and the audience got to ask a few questions! he was really nice and personable and obviously funny. people asked the most random questions, such as "what's the most recent song you've had stuck in your head?" she asked because she had funky town stuck in her head... he said he didn't have a song stuck, but the phrase his preschool-age kids say before snack every day "bon appetit, it's time to eat." someone else asked why he always talks about his kids and not his wife. weeeird. and then someone else asked what his most awkward time at a middle school dance was. which turned into her talking about how in connecticut you had to leave enough space for "the holy ghost." and he started joking about how you can't let your genitals touch in connecticut. then he referenced that on the show! (when he makes fun of lieberman, if you watch the episode!) the audience loved it.
they also made fun of the obama family for doing the "socialist" act of sending christmas ornaments to be decoupaged by school children. it was soooo hilarious. you have to watch it. they had a woman go and interview a school teacher who got the ornaments, several schoolchildren who helped decorate them, and a fox news commentator. the reactions are priceless. as the woman was interviewing the fox news commentator stewart was just losing it behind the scenes at her ridiculous answers. please watch this episode. it's sooo good. i can't even describe. jon stewart and hugh grant have a nice awkward little interview arguing about soccer, too.
like i said, i couldn't take any pictures, but i like the quote they had painted over the door of the studio:
"Abandon News, All Ye Who Enter Here."
so it was really fun! totally worth losing feeling in my toes for a bit.
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