yesterday some of the dlf.tv student affiliates got the chance to go up onstage and ask david some of our own questions. i was sooo nervous asking the question, especially since we in front of a small audience. i even forgot to pass him the mic after i asked my first question! i just sat there with in it my hand patiently waiting when he timidly leaned forward to take it from me, and everyone laughed (kindly). i ended up asking him two; the first one asking how he felt about all the amazing support he's received for dlf.tv and the progress being made (if you're interested about what i mean by support/progress you should check out all the cool stuff they're accomplishing at the dlf.tv website. you'll also be able to view videos of the david lynch weekend soon, maybe even be able to see making a fool of myself, haha). the second one involves his recent book, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity. if you've read it, you'll know the chapter "The Box and the Key." i asked him if he could elaborate on it a bit.
"no, i cannot," he said. the second photo is right after i asked the box and the key question, erin skipper, david lynch, and me all laughing at the small joke. two great photos by roberto farruggio!
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