Saturday, November 28, 2009

my little birds

tentatively finished. not perfect, but fun! (click the above link for a larger view)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

this etsy seller needs to restock these ASAP so i can get one:

Monday, November 23, 2009

for my mom, and her love for figure skating:
got a vimeo account for my animations. will slowly be updating there.
i started my etsy account again. i'll slowly be updating it, too. i'm still learning on how to best use esty, so give me time! :)
support my friend meghann, by reading this short article about the discrimination she recently suffered at the mike weiss gallery in chelsea.

Friday, November 20, 2009

i would like to move to denmark:

- 1/3 of the population mainly bikes for transportation
- women get six months to a year maternity leave
- homelessness, poverty and unemployment are rare
- they eat fresh food from the market daily
- they have cute trams for their babies and let them nap outside
- university is free
- marriage is focused on the relationship, not the big wedding
- everyone heads home at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, family is the focus
- their homes are mostly clean and simple, they don't feel like they need a lot of stuff

(reblogged from you are my fave)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

maybe dreams are the secret language of the body. the body which has been silent all day talks to us all night in its private language of images, puns, gossip, memories, dire predictions, fables and stories.
where do these come from? what are they really? some deep well of endlessly firing circuits? random information? noise? the body talking to the mind?

-laurie anderson, night life

We Off Her Clothes Sure

i am proud to announce the date and times of the NYSP show:

one night only!
thursday, december 17th, 2009
opening reception 4 - 9pm

20 jay st.
suite m10
dumbo-brooklyn, ny

1st stop in brooklyn
F train at york st station or A/C to high st station

hope to see you there!
(link to the facebook page)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


yesterday some of the student affiliates got the chance to go up onstage and ask david some of our own questions. i was sooo nervous asking the question, especially since we in front of a small audience. i even forgot to pass him the mic after i asked my first question! i just sat there with in it my hand patiently waiting when he timidly leaned forward to take it from me, and everyone laughed (kindly). i ended up asking him two; the first one asking how he felt about all the amazing support he's received for and the progress being made (if you're interested about what i mean by support/progress you should check out all the cool stuff they're accomplishing at the website. you'll also be able to view videos of the david lynch weekend soon, maybe even be able to see making a fool of myself, haha). the second one involves his recent book, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity. if you've read it, you'll know the chapter "The Box and the Key." i asked him if he could elaborate on it a bit.
"no, i cannot," he said. the second photo is right after i asked the box and the key question, erin skipper, david lynch, and me all laughing at the small joke. two great photos by roberto farruggio!

i basically had one of the most amazing weekends ever. people throw around the word "life changing" but i'm pretty serious about using it now.

a few highlights include:
-meeting david lynch, shaking hands with him, getting to ask him questions, taking a picture with him, etc
-getting to hear david lynch, bob roth (vice president of DLF.TV), dr. john hagelin, mario orsatti and many others speak on the benefits of transcendental meditation
-learning more about and what the movement is all about
-getting to meet tons of awesome people from all over
-hanging out with my family for a night
-seeing my awesome friend amy
-making lots of new friends
-seeing my printed tshirt
-meeting all the incredible staff at
-hearing david compare TM to an orgasm, say "no no no no"
-me being so nervous while asking him a question that i forgot to give the mic back
-looking to the future

i sound like a commercial for david lynch foundations tv, but i really did have an amazing weekend and i can't wait to be more involved. words can't really even describe how i feel right now.

(above photo by nicole becker)

thank you! and thank you phil and hilary at yellow elephant for doing an awesome job HANDPRINTING the tshirts! everyone should totally check out all their tshirt designs being sold at their website. thanks again, you guys!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

David Lynch

this weekend i got to attend the david lynch weekend in fairfield, iowa. i'll be writing more about this AMAZING experience soon (i got to hug david lynch!!) but i wanted to share the above portrait my friend roberto got to take of david today during a quieter moment.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i FREQUENTLY have moments where i never want to leave.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Originally uploaded by The White House
another poignant moment at the white house

Saturday, November 7, 2009


new york city time lapse portrait

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

interesting interactions on the subway

a latina woman with lots of eye liner on
sat down next to me on the M train toward brooklyn
i was reading david lynch
and she mumbled something about her ear
"you mean its popping?"
i said
and she said no, like an itch
it's a spanish saying
and without taking a breath
she started to tell me about her terrible day
working with secretaries
who work for a manager
who work for a doctor
and the manager does good things for her
but yells all the time
and makes her cry
one secretary complained
and the doctor asked them all if it was true
and the woman didn't want to tell on the manager,
but it was true, that the manager yelled a lot
and later,
the manager came to ask her
what the doctor had said
and how uncomfortable it was.
while she was talking
i thought about why she had chosen to talk to me,
and i wondered if any other person on the subway
would've bothered.
"doesn't that sound like a bad day?" she asked
and i nodded and smiled
as she stood up to leave.
i told her i hoped she had a better day tomorrow
and realized she'd only been on the train
for the duration of one stop to the next.
i was left feeling
but touched regardless.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This is amazing.

"Autism is a neurological disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, but often autistic individuals will posses amazing skills in other areas, such as music, memory, mathematic computation, etc. Artist Stephen Wiltshire is autistic and has an incredible memory and hand, as he was able to create a spellbinding 18-foot drawing of New York City from memory after only a 20-minute helicopter ride over the city."

Click here for more.