Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Huge Photo Dump Of The First Day

today we had our first day of orientation at the new york studio program. yet again, i got totally lost. google map's directions were totally wrong, so even though i left two hours early i got to orientation with minutes to spare, with sweat dripping down my back, even after jumping in a cab and basically running four or five blocks. i'm really hoping i can find somewhere closer soon.
we met the director and the studio manager, both of whom are really nice and down to earth. they told us a few stories about past groups who did the same thing we are, warned us about an apparent bedbug problem NYC's having, talked about our schedules, and gave us a tour. we were given books to read as well, and a set of keys. we even got free swiss army knives with the NYSP's address on them. pretty sweet. there's even a full kitchen that apparently was picked up and moved from the old tribeca studios! i'm excited to meet the faculty, too.

now, without further ado, here is my lovely, bright, big, and untouched (by me) studio space.

this is my lovely yellow chair that i commandeered for my very own.

this is the view from my studio. there's some interesting abstract street art across the way.

can you see the baby dolls hanging from the telephone wire in the above picture? i blew it up so you can see.

the neighborhood is sweet. there's a lot of interesting little shops and restaurants, and it's right near the water. we can see the brooklyn bridge from our studios, which is loud but picturesque. under the bridge is a really pretty little park, too. and right next door to us is a doggy daycare place, which is extra fun because then we get to see the dog walkers get pulled along by the dogs.


the left one is our building.

the other direction... the right one's our building. you can see the bridge, too.

after orientation a few of us went and walked around, and we ended up going to this great bar down the street. i'd seen it the last time i was here, but this is the first time i was inside. it's really neighborly and i loved how they opened up all the windows. everyone was really quiet during orientation, so it was really nice to get to know those who came better. everyone slowly opened up and started joking around and telling stories about where we're from.

and there was this adorable little dog hanging inside the bar. she was pretty shy though, she wouldn't let us pet her.

this is jasmine telling everybody how she got into a catfight recently (she's the girl on the right with her back to us).

the little dog hanging out.

the prerequisite first day of school picture for mom and dad. sorry, mom and dad, i forgot to flip my nose ring up. but it still counts.

and the lovely baby dolls viewed from the outside.

getting to finally see my new studio space and meet the people i'm going to be working with over the next few months only filled me with even more motivation and excitement. i'm starting to brainstorm ideas so i've got to go buy art supplies tomorrow. i can't wait to see what i can do with all the time and space i'm being given!

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